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Wohnrade Civil Engineers recently exhibited at the AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2018 alongside Black Swift Technologies and other UAS professionals within the UAS Colorado pavilion. Over the course of three days, thousands of people filtered passed our booth, and hundreds stopped by to get a closer look at how we use advances in technology to increase the effectiveness and accuracy of our deliverables. Even notable attendees such as Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, Senator Cory Gardner, and Congressman Ed Perlmutter stopped by to discuss the importance of fending off meaningless and harmful legislation surrounding the rapidly expanding UAS industry in Colorado.

From drone-generated precision aerial mapping, to our use of virtual reality (VR) and 3-dimensional modeling, attendees, including Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, saw first-hand how truly unique we are in today’s market. A long-time advocate of entrepreneurship and technological innovation, Governor Hickenlooper and Mary discussed the emerging array of applications available for virtual reality and drones in the civil engineering profession. The Governor also experienced VR for himself being immersed in a VR model representing an actual land development project currently under design by WCE. Like the majority of those experiencing VR for the first time, Governor Hickenlooper acknowledged that the 3D immersion model was much easier to understand than trying to sift through countless pages of complex construction drawings. We couldn’t agree more Governor.

Our team was also extremely pleased to see a group from JEFFCO’s Girls in STEM. This enthusiastic group had no trouble acclimating to the VR experience and were very interested to learn that they were interacting with drone generated data while inside the headset. They had no idea that growing up to be a woman in Civil Engineering could have so much fun!


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